Meeting Online & In Person

Our hosts at Lotus Light have reopened the center. We are able to meet in person again. If you prefer we are still connecting with Zoom as well. The link is available on the home page.

Supporting Lotus Light Center

For many years our group has been generously offered use of space without ever receiving a “rent” bill. Our hosts offer the space freely in support of our practice and simply accept any monetary or service work donation that we offer in return. Please consider supporting the center that supports us by making a tax deductible donation via this donation linkIt is easy to make a one time donation or even set up a monthly recurring withdrawal of any amount.

Pre-meditation walking

A couple of us regularly meet at 6:00 to walk the neighborhood. This helps us work out the kinks we got from sitting in office chairs at computers all day. If we’ve already started walking before you get there, just wait on the porch for us to circle by. We have a 10-minute circuit that we do usually 3 or 4 times.