
Ann Pendley (who began our sangha) leads a monthly Mindfulness in Everyday Life class at the Cancer Support Community. This group is open to anyone who has been affected by cancer (you or a loved one) and practitioners of all levels are welcome.

Blount Memorial Hospital, Maryville, contact Caroline Lamar, email cmlamar@bmnet.com, (865)977-5646

Claudio Barrientos, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Dianne Lemieux, Ph.D., psychologist in private practice, email dlemieux52@comcast.net

Elizabeth Strand, Ph.D., Director of Veterinary Social Work Services, University of Tennessee, email estrand@utk.edu

Joan Rentsch Hutchison, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Academic Programs, College of Communication and Information, the University of Tennessee, email jrentsch@utk.edu, (865)974-1671. Teaches graduate and undergraduate courses covering Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction practices for gaining mindfulness and developing self-regulatory capabilities in everyday life. Also offers a weekly guided meditation on the UT campus.

John Blackburn, Beginning Mindfulness Meditation and Metta (Lovingkindness) classes, email johnMB1948@hotmail.com, (865)771-9906

Lilly Sutton, Mindfulness and the Alexander Technique