
Our sangha meets in person and online every Monday at 7:00pm.
In person at 501 Arthur Street Knoxville, TN 37921
Click here to join with Zoom.
Meeting ID:844 9940 0631 – Passcode: lotus

This group is open to practitioners of all levels. No experience needed; all ages are always welcome. We welcome diversity. Our meeting place is wheelchair accessible, and chairs and cushions are provided.

Knoxville Insight Meditation Sangha gives you a place to:

  • Practice meditation in a supportive group setting.
  • Learn more about different meditation techniques, such as Calm-Abiding (Samatha) and Insight or Mindfulness meditation, often called Vipassana.
  • Deepen your own meditation practice.
  • Learn how to respond more skillfully to the stresses, disappointments, and losses that that naturally arise in life.
  • Reduce the suffering that we all inadvertently cause ourselves and others.
  • Meet other people who are deeply committed to making their lives and this world a better place.

General Information:

When: We meet every Monday night 7:00–8:30 p.m.

Where: We meet at 501 Arthur Street in Knoxville, next to the fire station. We also have an online option; you can join us on Zoom.

What happens on Monday Nights:

We begin with 40-45 minutes of guided meditation starting promptly at 7:00 PM (please see The space). The guided meditation is offered by a member of the group from a rotation of volunteers, bringing a variety of styles and techniques. While each “leader” has their own approach, the group typically follows traditional Samatha and Vipassana guidance. As we say, “Each week’s dish may be different but we’re all cooking from the same spice rack.”

Short break to stretch or use the restroom. We maintain noble silence during this period.

Go ‘Round:  This is a chance for each person to share their name and if you like, a little bit about your practice or something important to you.  There is no obligation to share, but we do ask that you at least let us know your first name. During this period we ask that each person practices “Right Speech.” By that we mean that you speak the truth and that you ensure your words are not intended to cause harm. We also practice “Right Listening” by listening attentively to those speaking.  This is not a time for cross-talk or discussion.

Announcements: We have a brief period for any group announcements.

Closing Metta: Loving kindness meditation and dedication of merit. Each meditation session closes with a wish for the well-being of all sentient beings.